Your Entire Member Network, Searchable
Find anyone in your community by skills, interests, work experience and more! Let your members promote their businesses with smart member and company profiles connected to Linkedin or Facebook.
Find anyone in your community by skills, interests, work experience and more! Let your members promote their businesses with smart member and company profiles connected to Linkedin or Facebook.
Let your members post about job openings at their companies, ask questions to industry specific channels or just post funny gifs. The Knowork feed keeps everyone up to date on the latest happenings at your coworking space.
Chat with any member in the community or jump into an always on video room to talk with other members. Not online right now? No worries - Knowork will notify you when a message comes your way.
Your coworking space deserves a place to connect. Get going with a 14-day free trial and fully guided onboarding process.